Oxifree tablets is a nutritional supplement that contains many effective antioxidants that play an effective role in many vital functions within the body, as they help to strengthen immunity and protect hair and skin cells from damage and other functions that we will talk about in this article .


What are the benefits of antioxidants:

Antioxidants are molecules that protect cells from damage that free radicals can cause.

These free radicals divide and destroy cell molecules through a series of reactions. They also destroy fatty acids in the cell, making our bodies vulnerable to many infections, viruses and cancers.


Active ingredient and concentrations:

Oxifree contains 10 different active ingredients:

1- Zinc at a concentration of 11 mg: It helps to raise immunity, increase fertility, strengthen hair and other functions.

2- Vitamin E at a concentration of 15 mg: an antioxidant that maintains healthy hair and skin.

3- Vitamin C at a concentration of 90 mg: an antioxidant, strengthens the immune system and maintains healthy hair and skin.

4- Thioctic acid at a concentration of 40 mg: Helps protect nerve cells from damage and prevent diabetes complications.

5- Selenium (55 mcg): An antioxidant that helps increase fertility in men.

6- Omega-3 at a concentration of 450 mg: Maintains heart health, prevents strokes, and improves the functions of the nervous system.

7- Beta-carotene at a concentration of 1.8 mg: An antioxidant that helps improve vision.

8- Molybdenum at a concentration of 45 mcg: helps to strengthen the immune system and maintains the capacity of the nervous system.

9- Bioflavinoids, 100 mg: An antioxidant.

10- Pro-Anthocyanidin 40 mg: An antioxidant.

Note: These are not just all the benefits of each ingredient but only some of them are mentioned.


Uses of oxifree:

Helps increase fertility and treat infertility in men and women.

- An important nutritional supplement for diabetics, this helps prevent dangerous complications of diabetes .

Protect hair from damage and fall out.

- Protecting skin cells from damage, delaying the appearance of wrinkles, and maintaining the vitality and freshness of the skin.

Helps strengthen immunity and fight infection.

Preventing cancer.

Helps improve vision and treat some eye diseases.

An important nutritional supplement for the mother during pregnancy, as it provides the mother with many important nutrients and helps protect the fetus' cells from deformation.


Dosage of oxifree:

Take one tablet daily.

The doctor may increase the dose according to the condition.

- Oxy-free pills are taken directly by swallowing or chewing.


Important precautions before taking this medicine:

- The drug should be discontinued if symptoms of an allergy to any component of the drug appear.

In the event that you suffer from any other diseases, do not take the medicine except under the supervision of a doctor.

This medicine should not be used in children under 5 years of age.

- The package is kept at a temperature below 30 ° C.


Side effects of oxifree:

Side effects of this medicine rarely appear, but in some cases any of the following symptoms may appear:

Nausea and vomiting.

- Diarrhea.

Digestive disorders.


1- http://devartlab.com/en-eg/ProductsView.php?keys=PRODUCTS&LIL=XLS&id=5813&lang=ENG&i=6&cat=96&iden=873335335