Coughing is a natural reaction of the body to expel and purify foreign and harmful substances from the respiratory system, and the incidence of cough increases during successive periods of the year and climate change, especially before and during the winter season, and dry cough is one of the most severe types of coughing because of its bad effect on the throat and chest in general. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about the best medicines and methods used to treat dry cough .


Treat dry cough naturally at home

1- Drink warm liquids mixed with honey and ginger together, as honey contributes effectively to moisten the throat and calm cough, and honey was used in the past in alternative medicine to treat cough.

2- Gargling with water and salt helps to moisturize and purify the throat and remove any associated phlegm, and this is done by mixing half a teaspoon of salt with a cup of lukewarm water, mixing it and stirring it well, then gargling with it for a full minute, and this process is repeated 3 times daily.

3- Eating thyme contributes significantly to calming a dry cough, as thyme is added to many herbal medicines that are used to treat cough in pharmacies, and this is done by adding two teaspoons of thyme to a cup of hot water, stirring it well and leaving it for 10 minutes to extract the active substance present It is then taken 3 times daily.

Note: It is not preferable to use thyme for pregnant women.

4- Drinking warm and hot liquids in general, such as tea and others, contributes greatly to calming a dry cough.


The best medicines for treating dry cough

There are many medicines that are used with great effectiveness to treat dry cough, the most famous of which are the following: -

1- The best dry cough medicines in Egypt:

Serinol Syrup

Tosevan n syrup

Ranotos Syrup

Tuscan drink , this is used to treat dry cough accompanied Bbulgm also.

Pronkovin syrup , this is used to treat dry cough and also accompanied Bbulgm.


2- The best dry cough treatment in Saudi Arabia:

Kavousad Syrup

Dextroduct Syrup

Joavan M. de syrup , this is used to treat dry cough accompanied Bbulgm also.



- You must search for these medicines on our website,, to find out all the details of how to use and the most important precautions before using each medicine.

- These are not the only available medicines, but we have mentioned the most popular ones, and there are many other medicines available to treat dry cough.

- Countries other than Egypt and Saudi Arabia can review the pharmacist to find out what medicines contain dextromethorphan, which is the most popular active ingredient for treating dry cough and is present in all the medicines that we mentioned above.

See also: The best ways and medicines to treat persistent coughing with phlegm 


