Cholesterol  is a fatty substance that is produced and used by the body in order to maintain health, 75% of this substance is produced by the liver, while the rest of the necessary amount is obtained by the person through his food, especially when eating animal meat, fish, etc.


Types of cholesterol inside the body:

Cholesterol is divided into two types:

1 - "HDL" meaning "good cholesterol":

High-density lipoprotein, this type of protein contains 50% protein and 20% cholesterol.  

It helps to get rid of excess and harmful cholesterol in the body in the form of bile, and it has very high benefits for the body.

According to the American Heart Association, individuals with 60 mg / dL of HDl have a lower risk of developing heart disease.

2 - "LDL", meaning harmful cholesterol:

This low-fat protein contains 25% protein and 45% cholesterol, and is found in different areas of the body and sometimes it is deposited in the arterial wall.

According to the National Institutes of Health, the optimum level of LDL is less than 100 mg / dl, and if its levels are greater than 130 mg, it needs treatment.


What is the normal level of cholesterol in the blood?

The normal total cholesterol present in the blood should not be higher than 200 mg / dL.

The level of harmful cholesterol must be less than 160 mg / dL.

The level of beneficial cholesterol for the body should be higher than 45 mg / dL.

While a high level of "LDL" cholesterol in the body increases the risk of heart disease, "HDL" is essential for human health and essential for some organic functions.


What are the health benefits of good "HDL" cholesterol?

1 - This substance plays an essential role in the formation and manufacture of body cell membranes, as it is involved in the process of manufacturing hormones and helps to maintain various functions within the body, and in some cases it works in the process of maintaining the temperature of cells by isolating them.

2- The production of enzymes: where the liver uses cholesterol to synthesize or produce the enzyme bile, which is an essential enzyme in the digestive process as it works to break down and digest dietary fats.

3 - Vitamin "D": The synthesis process of storing vitamin "D" from sunlight requires the presence of cholesterol, especially since this vitamin is necessary for bone development and calcium absorption in the body.

4 - Blood vessels: HDL cholesterol removes the harmful "LDL" cholesterol that multiplies on the inner walls of blood vessels, which leads to the risk of heart attacks. Hence, HDL has an important role in protecting the heart and maintaining its health.

5 - This type helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy, as it is able to remove cholesterol from the arteries, and it also carries bad cholesterol to the liver, where it is distributed in the body, so it turns it into the liver and then it is removed. From the body.


What are the health effects of high "LDL" cholesterol?

1- Heart disease and angina, which are diseases related to the blood vessels of the heart, such as: narrowing of the arteries of the heart, which leads to angina.

2 - Heart stroke, which occurs as a result of narrowing of the arteries and a decrease in the passage of blood to the heart, so the heart fails to get enough blood.

3- Brain stroke, which occurs as a result of a lack of blood reaching the brain as a result of narrowing of the arteries due to cholesterol.

4- Coronary artery disease, which occurs as a result of the gradual narrowing of the arteries that feed the legs. When any physical effort is exercised, the legs do not get enough blood, and thus the occurrence of excruciating pain in the legs.

5- Clogging of blood vessels, which occurs as a result of increased cholesterol in the blood. Fatty deposits accumulate that lead to narrowing of the arteries of the viscera, kidneys and intestines.


Causes of high LDL cholesterol in the blood:

1- Excess weight, especially in the stomach area.

2- Smoking.

3- Diabetes, as it helps to get high cholesterol.

4- Eat fatty animal meat in abundance.

5- Obesity and excessive weight gain, which leads to high harmful cholesterol in the blood.

6- Genetic factors, where the genes in the human body determine the amount of good cholesterol produced or eliminated.

7- Lack of movement, lethargy, and lack of exercise increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.

8- Harmful cholesterol increases at menopause and after menopause, as its percentage in women is higher than that of men.

9- Tension and psychological stress lead to excessive intake of harmful saturated fats, which lead to increased cholesterol in the blood.


The most important natural herbs that work to reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood:

1- Garlic: Since ancient times, garlic has been used to treat several types of diseases, and studies have shown that garlic can help maintain cholesterol levels in a good balance by lowering cholesterol levels in the blood while increasing "good" HDL cholesterol levels.

Garlic can lower cholesterol levels without any side effects like treatment with other drugs, in addition to lowering blood pressure, protecting against infections and preventing blood clots.

2- Polycosanol: This substance is obtained from sugar cane, and it has been shown that policosanol is very effective in reducing cholesterol levels in the body by breaking down LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), and that it does not increase blood sugar.

Research has found that policosanol is especially beneficial for postmenopausal women with high cholesterol levels.

3- Green tea: Green tea is a wonderful antioxidant and has been shown to inhibit cholesterol absorption in the digestive system, which makes it a good tool for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.

The research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who drink green tea for a few months have about 2% lower levels of bad cholesterol than those who don't drink green tea, and at the same time, it does not affect good cholesterol.

4- Apples: Eating apples, especially green apples, helps reduce harmful cholesterol by 11%.

5- Beans: Beans are one of the foods that lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and keep it within normal levels.

6- Carrots: Carrots help reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the body and get rid of their negative consequences.

7- Chili: Eating hot pepper prevents the liver from producing it.

8- Soy: The Japanese love everything related to eating soy, and this is one of the main reasons why they have the lowest cholesterol levels in the world, as the FDA stated that any food containing soy products can help reduce it, such as eating tofu and protein. Soy.

9- Turmeric: Turmeric roots help lower cholesterol levels in the body, which reduces the risk of serious heart problems.

10- Ginger: a herb used in many Asian dishes to add a little flavor to food, and in addition to its special taste, ginger is distinguished by its ability to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body, and ginger can be used to combat sore throats and control harmful cholesterol as well.

11- Oats: Oats are rich in natural fibers that improve the work of the digestive system and greatly help in reducing blood fats. Oats contain powerful plant antioxidants (flavonoids) that prevent cancer and heart diseases, especially the aorta cells because it removes cells attached to their walls, which increases blood flow.

12- Flaxseed: Flax seeds contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are useful in improving blood circulation and maintaining the arteries and the heart.

13- Fenugreek: It reduces cholesterol in the blood and contains Saponin reduces cholesterol absorption in the intestine

14- Basil: If you aspire to reduce cholesterol in the blood, then eat one gram of basil leaves on a daily basis because it also has many benefits, as it also reduces the level of sugar in the blood.

15- Olives: We find in olive leaves the active substance Oloruban, which is an anti-oxidant and removes arteriosclerosis, as it restores vital tissues to the presence of vitamin E in them.

For cholesterol patients, it is advised to boil these leaves and eat them daily for noticeable results.

Olive oil is also considered a cholesterol-fighting food because it reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood and protects the body from cardiovascular disease.

16- Barley: Barley is rich in potassium, which maintains the alkalinity of the body, and contains tocotrienol, which reduces cholesterol.


Foods that raise the level of harmful cholesterol in the body:

1- Egg yolk: The yolk is one of the richest sources of cholesterol, as every 100 grams contains 1234 mg, and one egg contains 212 mg, which is 71% of the daily recommended amount.

2- Liver: Cholesterol is made in the liver, which is rich in it, and every 100 grams of liver contains 564 mg, or 188% of the daily recommended amount. And every 100 grams of chicken liver contains 746 mg of cholesterol.

3- Butter: Each tablespoon of butter contains 30 mg of cholesterol. This is due to the products that enter the butter during its manufacture and every 100 grams of butter contains 215 mg of cholesterol.

4- Cheese: Yellow and white cheese are the main sources of protein and calcium, but yellow cheese contains high cholesterol levels, as every 100 grams contains 123 mg of cholesterol.

Among the cheeses that contain cholesterol are cream cheese (37%), gruyear (37%) and cheddar cheese (35%) of the daily allowance.

5- Caviar: In addition to its nutritional benefits, caviar contains high levels of cholesterol, as every 100 grams contains 588 mg of cholesterol, which is 196% of the daily specified amount.

6- Seafood: All seafood contains salt, which is a very important source of cholesterol, and every 100 grams of shrimp contains 196 mg of cholesterol, which is 65% of the daily amount.


In the event of high cholesterol, there are a group of permitted foods:

1- Vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, grape, and others.

2- Fish rich in omega-3 acids, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel and others, so these fish should be eaten two to three times a week at least.

3- Two eggs per week, maximum.

4- Raw and cooked vegetables, except for fried potatoes.

5- Eating fruits daily reduces cholesterol by 15%.

6- It is recommended to eat apples in the event of high cholesterol in the blood, and thus they can be eaten several times per day.

7- Meat and sausages can be consumed in moderation, and it is preferable to eat lean white meat such as rabbit, veal and chicken.

8- Two servings of cheese may represent the maximum allowable amount of fat per day.


The most important foods that raise the level of beneficial cholesterol in the blood:

1- Cranberries: berries of all kinds are considered foods rich in many nutrients that the body needs, which qualifies it to be a suitable treatment for many health and aesthetic problems due to the high nutritional values ​​it contains, and cranberries contain an appropriate proportion of useful cholesterol and doctors recommend eating it To get that percentage.

2- Grapefruit: Drinking grapefruit daily helps in getting rid of excess weight and strengthening the immune system responsible for the health of the body and fighting diseases with it, and grapefruit contains an appropriate percentage of healthy cholesterol that the body needs.

3- Salmon: Fish in particular contains a great proportion of omega-3, which is considered a good cholesterol and beneficial to the body, but salmon is considered the best because it contains the highest percentage of omega-3 that the body needs for the multiplicity of its benefits.

4- Dark chocolate: Many people prefer to eat dark chocolate over light, due to its unique taste and high nutritional values, and dark chocolate contains a percentage of good cholesterol that is beneficial to the body, so it is advised to eat dark chocolate to enjoy a healthy body and free of health problems resulting from harmful cholesterol.

5- Nuts: Eating nuts in appropriate quantities and without excessive help in obtaining a distinctive body free of cholesterol.


