Diabetes may cause many problems and complications, and usually most of these problems can be treated if the patient learns how to live with diabetes to reduce the risk of these complications, so we will talk in this article about the most important steps that the patient must follow to prevent complications from this disease.


What are the complications of diabetes in the short term?

Both severe hypoglycemia and high blood sugar are common problems that require prompt observation and treatment.


What is the normal blood sugar level?

The doctor determines the normal and ideal level to be reached according to the patient’s condition, and it is preferable to note this level on the patient’s follow-up schedule.

A table similar to the following table can be used to record the results:


The target


Less than 110 mg / dL

Two hours after eating

Below 140 mg / dL

before sleep

110 - 150 mg / dL


6.5% or less


First: low blood sugar level:

What are the symptoms of low blood sugar?

There are some symptoms that call attention to the possibility of hypoglycemia: 

1 - Feeling weak or tired

2 - Nervousness and ease of arousal

3 - Feeling dizzy or unbalanced

4 - Feeling hungry

5- Headache

6 - profuse sweat

7 - Accelerated heart rate

8 - Blurred vision


Low sugar may be caused by:

1 - Hyperactivity.

2 - Not eating a meal or eating an insufficient amount of food.

3 - Using an overdose of insulin.


What to do when you feel symptoms of hypoglycemia

If you feel any of the symptoms of hypoglycemia, you must have a blood sugar test done immediately. If you cannot, then you must eat or drink quick-acting sweets (carbohydrates) such as:

About 160 cm (1/2) can of regular soft drinks (not intended for diet).

A small fruit juice box (orange, apple or grapefruit).

5 quick-absorbing desserts such as mint or bonbon.

Then, wait 15 minutes and take a second blood glucose test. If it is still low, eat more quick-work sweets.

And if you are an insulin user, always keep your emergency glucagon dose nearby as the glucagon raises the blood sugar level very quickly.


Second: high blood sugar level:

Symptoms of high blood sugar:

1 - Increasing the number of times you urinate.

2 - Feeling of extreme thirst.

3 - Dry skin and throat.

4 - Hunger.

5 - Blurred vision.

6 - Feeling dizzy.

7 - Slow healing of wounds and frequent infection.


Causes of high blood sugar: 

Not to take insulin or glucose-reducing tablets.

Eating more than usual.

Not doing exercise if you are used to it.

This can lead to an increase in acetone, especially in the patient with type 1 diabetes. Ensure that regular follow-up and periodic measurement of sugar in this case help reduce the severity of the condition.

The presence of acetone is an indication of a lack of control of the blood sugar level, so if you are a patient with type 1 diabetes, you must or take an acetone test whenever the blood glucose level exceeds 240 mg / dL.


What do I do when my blood sugar level rises?

In the event of symptoms of high sugar level, immediately measure the level of sugar in the blood, if you confirm that it is high with no acetone, you can reduce it by following the following:

Follow an appropriate eating plan.

Follow an exercise plan.

Adhere to the prescribed treatment.

- If the glucose level exceeds 350 mg / dL and you have ketones, you must consult a doctor, and you must refer to the doctor if the glucose level exceeds the target number for more than three days.


What are the long-term complications of sugar?

Negligence in treating high blood sugar may cause serious complications:

1 - Cardiovascular disease

2 - Vision problems

3 - Kidney disease

4- Neurology

5 - infections of the gums and skin

Most of the long-term problems of diabetes are caused by high blood sugar levels, hence the importance of controlling it to maintain your health in the long term.


Diabetes and cardiovascular disease:

Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease by almost twice, and this is caused by a blockage of blood vessels or slowing down the flow of blood .

Excessive food rich in fat and cholesterol increases the level of fats in the blood, which causes the blood vessels to block.

Also, the high blood sugar associated with diabetes contributes to blood vessel clotting.

Heart attacks occur due to blockage of blood vessels, and strokes may occur for the same reason.


Measuring the level of lipids in the blood:

Doctors recommend measuring your lipid level at least once a year or more if you are taking lipid-lowering medications.

Lipid tests measure good (high-density) and bad (low-density) cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

The higher the levels of fats close to their normal levels, the more it helps in reducing damage to the heart and blood vessels.


Total cholesterol

Below 200 mg / dL

Low-density (bad) cholesterol

Less than 100 mg / dL

High-density (good) cholesterol

Above 45 mg / dL


Below 150 mg / dL



High blood pressure is another type of cardiovascular disease, and it damages small blood vessels and major arteries in the body.

- This happens in silence without the presence of symptoms that alert the patient, so it is recommended to make a periodic measurement of blood pressure.

Based on the regular lipid and blood pressure measurements, the doctor can determine for you the appropriate diet, treatment, and lifestyle to treat this condition.


How to protect your heart and blood vessels?

Immediately consult a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

Chest pain

Tripods in the breath.

Swollen ankles.


Also, following the following tips will spare you many risks:

Control the level of sugar

Follow the diet plan

Regular sports training

Avoid smoking or quitting

Control the level of lipids and blood pressure

Cut back on table salt


How do you protect your eyes?

Diabetes may damage the blood vessels that supply the retina, which is the light-sensitive area inside the eye.

Diabetics are more likely to have glaucoma, which is a disease that results from an increase in the internal pressure of the eye.

Both problems (retinitis and glaucoma) may lead to vision loss.


And you can reduce the chances of exposure to these serious problems by following the following precautions:

Control of blood pressure.

Annual fundus examination.

Maintaining the blood sugar level.

- Consult your doctor when you feel any sudden change in your vision, such as blurring of vision.


How do I keep my kidneys?

Diabetics are more susceptible to kidney disease, as the disease damages the small blood vessels in the kidneys, which are responsible for filtering the blood from harmful substances.

Smoking is considered an additional factor in reducing blood flow to the kidneys.

An early sign of kidney problems is the appearance of albumin in the urine.

Therefore, the doctor must conduct a microalbumin  test for you  to discover any early injury to the kidneys, as kidney problems may occur long before symptoms appear.

You can maintain your kidneys by maintaining blood sugar levels around the normal range, performing an annual urine albumin test, controlling blood pressure, and avoiding smoking.


How to maintain the integrity of nerves?

Nerve problems are common among diabetics, and some of these problems cause numbness and impaired sensation in the hands and feet, while another type of injury damages the nerves that control blood pressure. 

This leads to a feeling of dizziness upon sudden standing and reduces the response of the heart to stimuli. 

- At other times nerve damage and infections lead to dry skin, urinary bladder problems, nervous system problems, and allergy problems. 

This risk can be minimized by controlling the blood sugar level, periodically measuring  HbA1C  at least every six months with healthy food intake.


How to protect the gums and teeth?

- Sugar may raise the level of glucose in saliva, which leads to tooth decay and gingivitis, so it is recommended to follow up regularly at the dentist and also refer to the doctor when exposed to bleeding gums or increased sensitivity for several days.

- At the same time, he is keen to maintain the cleanliness of the teeth and gums by using a soft-touch brush to clean the teeth and tongue after every meal.


1- https://www.diabetes.org/diabetes/complications

2- https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/features/prevent-complications.html

3- Diabetic Complications : Early Diagnosis and Treatment