Although 85% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed in women over the age of 50, the possibility of breast cancer in girls is also possible.

Also, breast cancer that affects girls is more dangerous, as the mortality rate is greater and the survival time is lower.


The silent symptoms of breast cancer:

Every woman must be fully aware of the shape, size and consistency of her breasts and to check herself periodically monthly several days after the end of her period, and she must review and inform the doctor as soon as any of the following changes occur:

1 - Small pits or skin peeling: Some of the early symptoms of breast cancer are the transformation of the skin layer in the breast into a scaly pattern and thicker than usual, especially if it is on one side without the other, and it may develop over time to the occurrence of small pits similar to dimples, and this happens as a result of the closure of the ducts Nourishing the skin from inside the breast, causing skin changes somewhat similar to orange peel in thickness and the presence of pores and peeling in it.

2 - Breast swelling and then pain: the symptoms of the disease may be confined under the skin without noticeable changes to the skin layer, which requires women to know some clinical symptoms of swelling or change in the shape of the breast, especially if it is on one side without the other, and the change can be associated with light pain Or medium.

3 - Nipple change: Some symptoms of breast cancer are called inverting, shrinking or retraction of the nipple, and this happens as a result of the process of changing the breast from the inside with the growth of a malignant or benign mass, and usually the deformation of the nipple is one of the most prominent symptoms of diagnosing this disease.

4 - Abnormal secretions from the nipple: they are yellow and red secretions mixed with blood, and are considered one of the most important signs that indicate cancer in that area.

Doctors do not consider nipple discharge to be a symptom of breast cancer, but they indicate the danger of these secretions in the event of their spontaneous exit from the breast without nipple pressure, and their risk increases if they are accompanied by blood, and on one side without the other.


Symptoms of breast cancer in adolescent girls:

Cancerous tumors that affect the breasts of adolescence may differ from those normal lumps that affect the breast, and here are some signs that may indicate that the lump in the breast may be a cancerous mass, but these signs do not necessarily indicate that:

1- It should be fixed in the chest wall and not moving.

2- Its size ranges from the size of a pea to the width of an adult's finger.

3- It may be painful.

We must know well that the presence of one or more of the previous breast cancer symptoms does not necessarily mean breast cancer, so see your doctor for a full evaluation if you encounter any of these signs and symptoms and then take the necessary treatment.


What is required of every girl to avoid this?

Required according to the instructions and guidelines of health centers and associations specialized in the field of breast cancer:

1 - Keep checking yourself regularly every month.

2 - Examine your breasts periodically with x-rays every two years from the age of forty to fifty, and then annually after that.

3 - Choose a center where there are specialized doctors, as follow-up treatment with the same doctors enables them to review files and compare radiology annually, so that any change can be easily detected.


Some important tips:

1 - Eat less fat.

2 - Avoid obesity.

3 - Eat more fiber foods.

4 - Eat more fruits and vegetables.

5 - Seeing the doctor when any symptoms appear on the breast.

6 - Periodic examination.

7. Walking reduces the incidence of breast cancer.


American Cancer Society:

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention