Many people suffer from bone cold, especially in the winter season, for many reasons, the most important of which is the exposure of the body to cold air constantly, and this causes pain and inflammation in the bones and joints and other symptoms that we will talk about in this article and the most important treatment methods.


Causes of bone cold disease:

- Exposing the body to cold air constantly, especially after the body was previously warmed by a hot bath or warmer, or covering the body with heavy clothes or bedding, and then suddenly exposure to cold air.

Wearing light clothing in the winter season increases the likelihood that a person will develop cold bone.

- Common upper respiratory diseases such as cold, influenza, and bacterial throat infections contribute significantly to bone cold.

- Impaired immunity is a major cause of bone cold, as a person becomes more susceptible to the upper respiratory diseases that we talked about previously.

The chances of infection increase during times when the climate fluctuates a lot from hot to cold and vice versa.

The chances of developing joint colds increase in people who already suffer from osteoarthritis or osteoporosis and who suffer from a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D in the body.


Symptoms of a bone cold:

Inflammation and severe pain in the bones.

Joint stiffness and difficulty moving.

Feeling of fatigue, fatigue, and general lethargy.

Difficulty in moving and standing for long periods

Joint cracking may also occur when moving.


Ways to prevent bone cold:

Avoid constant and sudden exposure to cold air, especially after warming the body.

Wearing heavy clothes during the winter season.

Exercise regularly.

Eating drinks and foods that help raise immunity, such as lemon, oranges, and others.

Drinking warm drinks in general helps fight respiratory diseases.


Treating bone cold naturally from home:

Drinking warm drinks mixed with honey and lemon helps treat bone cold and upper respiratory diseases and helps to raise immunity.

Drinking ginger and cinnamon also helps treat bone cold and upper respiratory diseases.

Use warm and cold compresses and alternate between them.


Best bone cold medicine:

Painkillers for bone pain and fever lowering are taken such as:

Voltaren tablets and injection : are addressed one tablet or one injection twice a day.

olefin tablets and injection : are addressed one tablet or one injection twice a day.

Oovlam tablets and injection : are addressed one tablet or one injection twice a day.

Ctavast bags : are eating one bag twice daily.


Here are some important notes: -

These medicines should be taken after eating.

- These medicines are not safe for the following conditions: heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach ulcer disease, pregnancy and breast-feeding patients.

- If you suffer from any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should take medicines that contain Mado Paracetamol, such as:

1- Banol tablets : Take 2 tablets 3 times daily.

2- Adol tablets : Take 2 tablets 3 times daily.

3- Novaldol : One tablet 3 times daily.

Consult the doctor or pharmacist before taking any of these medicines.

See also: Best Over-the-Counter Cold & Flu Medicines Effective